Legal Separation Checklist for Northern Virginia
Divorce is never easy but there are things you can do to make the transition as smooth as possible. This divorce preparation checklist will help you make sure you have everything in order.
Consult with a Family Law Attorney
Before you take any steps, you should consult with and hire a family law attorney. Do your research and choose an attorney that is suited to your needs. Once you have chosen an attorney, be sure to communicate openly and convey your needs properly so that they can safeguard your legal rights and create a strategy that caters to your interests.
Informing Your Spouse
Once you are decided on divorce, you need to talk to your spouse about your decision. The way you handle this discuss is very important. Try to remain calm and collected and inflict as little emotional damage as possible. Be prepared for the discussion to become heated.
Living Arrangements
After your divorce, you won’t be living with your spouse. Start planning for your new living arrangements. Will the children live with you or your spouse? Make a budget and plan accordingly.
P.O. Box
If you are going to be moving after the divorce, you should get a PO box as soon as possible and have all your mail directed to it. This will ensure that no important paperwork will be lost or misplaced.
Divorce with children requires more consideration and planning. You need to have a plan for who will have primary custody, who will pay child support, who will be contributing to their college savings and more.
Emotional Support
Having a support person, or persons, during your divorce process will make it easier to cope with the situation.. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Many people choose to speak to a therapist during this time as well.
Be Organized
Gather all your documents and keep them in one place. This includes all financial documents and statements, a copy of your credit report, titles to property, and any pre-marital agreements. Make copies to be safe. Create a list of your financial assets so that you can manage money matter properly even during the divorce. Having all your documents together and organized will save you and your attorney time during the divorce process.
Pack Your Things
Preparing for a divorce is not easy but being prepared makes it a smoother process. Pack your belonging ahead of time because if the divorce becomes heated, you may not have access to them for a while. If you and your spouse share a vehicle, consider how you will handle this.
Final Touches
Its is best to create a new email account and change all your passwords to protect your privacy. Then you can begin planning for how you will prepare financially for divorce. Make sure you have a way to cover these expenses, as well as your new living arrangements.
Legal Separation Checklist for Northern Virginia
Preparing for a divorce can be time-consuming but it will make the process easier and could save you money as well. Having a solid plan and being prepared for the potential outcomes, prior to initiating the process, will greatly help you during this time. To speak to an attorney about your case, contact Grenadier, Duffett, Levi, Winkler & Rubin, P.C.
VA Family Law Firm
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