Child Custody Relocation Laws and Winning a Petition in Virginia
Child custody relocation battles are some of the most frequently litigated court cases. Understandably, a large distance between two homes can be frustrating. So, what are the child custody relocation laws in Virginia? Child Custody Relocation Laws in Virginia Often, long-distance moves are unavoidable. If this move is part of the initial divorce plans, the Court determines how factors...
Separation Checklist for Virginia
If you are thinking about divorce, for whatever reason, you have probably done some research. You might know that in Virginia you must be separated for either 6 or12 months prior to being able to file for or obtain a divorce, depending on your circumstances. Since maintaining separate households is expensive, there has been an increase in “in-house separations”. However, if done incorrectly,...
Pension and Divorce in Virginia
There are several reasons that a marriage might end in divorce. If you have worked hard for a pension, you may be wondering how divorce will affect it. Let’s look at how Virginia handles pension and divorce. Retirement Accounts as Marital Property In Virginia, the courts can divide marital property at the time of a divorce. While this generally means all property acquired by either party from...
Top Family Lawyer in Alexandria
Choosing the right lawyer can be difficult. It is a challenging and stressful process, but we have compiled a list of traits you should look for when searching for the top family lawyer in Alexandria. Integrity Integrity in a lawyer means that he/she will be honest with you about the weaknesses and strengths of your case. You don’t want a lawyer who is just going to tell you everything is...